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Upon the completion of 120 ECTS completed during studies in at least two of the six Partners, students receive multiple degrees, delivered by each Partner University he/she has studied at during the completion of the Programme. This Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree has been integrated as an international branch of the pre-existing university degrees of the six degree-granting universities:
- Université de Lille, Master de Sciences mécaniques et ingénierie R&D, parcours matériaux et structures, Decree of June 17, 2015 - n°20150021, accreditation on 17/06/2015 for 2015-2020.
- Centrale Lille, Master de Sciences mécaniques et ingénierie R&D, parcours matériaux et structures, Decree of June 17, 2015 - n°20150021, accreditation on 17/06/2015 for 2015-2020.
- Université catholique de Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain, Master: ingénieur civil mécanicien, Docu 39681 D.07-11-2013, Remplacée et modifiée par D. 03-05-2019.
- Politechnica Wroc∤awska, Magister Inżynier, Uchwała 273/2013 Prezydium Państwowej Komisji Akredytacyjnej z dnia 23 maja 2013 r. for Mechanical Engineering Department) and Uchwała 657/2016 Prezydium Państwowej Komisji Akredytacyjnej z dnia 8 grudnia 2016 r for Civil Engineering Department).
- Eθνικο Mετσοβιο Πολυτεχνειο, Δίπλωμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στο Δομοστατικό Σχεδιασμό & Ανάλυση των Κατασκευών, Government gazette no: 3762 03/09/2018.
- Università della Calabria, Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria civile, Classe delle Laurea Magistrali in Ingegneria Civile, DM270/2004.
During the preparatory year of the programme (2020/2021), the partners should agree on the model of the Joint Master Diploma and procedures for delivering it. In case no agreement is reached, the consortium will provide multiple degrees (national degrees mentioned above) to the graduates.
These multiple degrees will be accompanied with:
- a joint certificate of achievement (with no legal value) with logos and stamps of all partners, signed by each local coordinator of all the institutions involved in the consortium. In line with their respective institutional, regional or national regulations, the Parties will aim to provide their official logo to the coordinating institution to be used in communication and dissemination documents or media and in the graduation, certificates issued to the students;
- a joint multilingual diploma supplement presenting the details of the participant’s academic programme and academic achievement: Each student has an opportunity to be awarded this Joint Diploma Supplement based on the model worked out by the European Commission Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES, it addresses different components and institutions within the programme. It specifies if there was a specific path taken by the student and mentions the language of instruction, the title of the Master thesis, any corresponding fields of training and mentions of any additional training courses that were followed.